Tag: love of learning
Ever-Changing Clouds
Sometimes, going back to basics like laying down and looking at the clouds provides children with ways to develop their imagination and learn about the world!
Making Stories
Using open-ended materials, children create stories with their imagination and development their language skills.
Fire Safety!
One of our lovely preschool moms put together a wonderful presentation for our preschoolers on how to keep safe in the event of a fire emergency!
Forest Adventure!
Everybody (including our before & after school care group) enjoyed our forest adventures! The days involved sticks, climbing, a picnic lunch, even sleeping on a log!
Mud Kitchen & Growing the Alphabet
The children really enjoyed our mud kitchen formed in our new sensory table, as well as growing grass seeds in the shape of each child’s first letter of their name!
Transporting Eggs
What do you think is more challenging, carrying one egg with one spoon, or two eggs with two spoons – one in each hand?
Reading Away
Sometimes when we come back from school we like to relax and read in the house that we have built!