
Melting Snow

We took advantage of our Snow Day today, and worked to determine what happens to snow when salt is added to the mix!


We added clipboards with papers and pens, as well as dry erase boards to our play areas, and the children have really enjoyed using them!

Expressing Our Feelings…

Cloud Project

Our cloud project continues by both painting clouds, as well as making our own with shaving cream and powder paint!

New Buildings From Our Builders!

Searching For Secret Messages

We wrote a secret message for our friends from a different class with candles, and they can discover our message by painting over it with water colours!

Painting With Our Hands

More Colours

An an extension of our feather experiment, we added colour droplets first to water, and it immediately changed colour to match the added drops. Then, the same procedure was done in oil, and the colours remained in the form that Read more