Role Of The Teacher
In our preschool, the teacher is the facilitator of learning. By carefully observing children and their interests, the teacher is developing a curriculum which is based on childrenʼs interests. We believe that children are capable of finding answers to their questions by letting them to try their theories, and we provide the opportunity for them to take a risk and try something new. By asking opened ended questions, we show children that they are fully capable of finding answers all by themselves. We build self- confidence in children no by saying “Good Job”, but by letting them see that they are capable of things by themselves. “Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed” – Maria Montessori. During the day, we will take pictures of children involved in their activities, not just for you to see, but for the children to be able to reflect on their work.

Family Involvement
As a formal teacher in Parent Participation Preschool, and as a mother, I know how important involvement of parents in childrenʼs education is, especially at a very young age. I also know that being a member of Parents Participation preschool is a demanding job, and I admired every parent involved, during my years in Parent Participation Preschool. We have an open door policy. Parents are welcome to stay and participate, but in the case that we have too many parents interested, we will provide a sign up sheet.
We live in this beautiful multicultural city and we will greatly appreciate if you come to the preschool and introduce your culture to the children and all of us. The more we know about each other, the more we will understand that we all have more in common than not. We also invite you to come join us in the morning circle and in our reflective circleat the end of the day to see what your children are doing during the day. You will see your children grow like flowers during the spring.
At Burke Mountain Preschool in Coquitlam, we are committed to providing a stimulating, exciting, fun program which stimulates childrenʼs curiosity and sense of wonder. During the day, children can create anything they like at our open art table, they can participate in science experiments, build houses or rocket ships with blocks, have races with cars, take the choo-choo train for a ride, take care of our babies, cook some food in our kitchen, or just solve some puzzles. They can also spend their time sorting various objects, hunt for treasures in a big variety of treasure boxes, or maybe just paint their ideas, or become princes/princesses.

Preschool will be closed for Statutory holidays and the holidays during the school year when public schools are closed (Christmas, Spring Break, Easter). We are open during the Pro-D days unless there is a workshop available which we canʼt attend any other time, maximum 2 times per year. We are closed for the summer.
Our school year starts the Wednesday after Labor Day, and the last day of Preschool is a Friday, one week before the last day of elementary schools.
Arrival and Departure
We will start the morning on time to maximize time for children. Please allow enough time for children to get ready for the morning circle. Group times play a very important roll in our program. They are learning opportunities for children. They learn how to listen, how to take turns and how to be respectful. By participating in circle time, children expand their vocabulary. More importantly, children learn by example, watching us as we always act respectfully. We will finish our class on time as well, so please pick up
your child on time. In case of an emergency, please let the school know ahead of time that you might be late. In the case that late pick up becomes ongoing, we will consider terminating your enrollment. In case that someone else is picking up your child, please notify the school in the morning. Picture ID will be required unless it is someone that the preschool staff already knows.
General Information
Gradual entry: We will start with a regular day first day of school since the majority of children are usually ready. Individual cases will be tailored with gradual entry for individual child.
Withdrawal from The Preschool: We are asking for one month written notice
Tax receipts: We will issue once, please keep these receipts as they can be used for income-tax.
Childs Birthday: We will celebrate childʼs birthday in school. You are welcome to bring cupcakes for children nuts free in case of other allergies, we will notify parents. In case that for any reason you do not wish your childʼs birthday is celebrated in school, please let us know.
Snack: Snack is provided by school we ask you to send water bottle, not juice. We encourage children to drink water.
Indoor shoes: Children have to have indoor shoes that are not slippers, because in case there is an emergency, children will have to stay outside in those shoes. Also, we practice fire drill with children every month and good shoes are necessary.
Field trip: In case of a field trip, we ask parents to participate and drive children.
Carpooling is parents responsibility.
Parking: There is parking in the front of the house. There is a possibility to park your car on Millard street as well as on the street and walk to the back lane to the preschool.
Also, parking is available on Princeton Avenue and walk down to the preschool, or Queenston and just cross Coast Meridian. Please do not block drives or garage entrances of surrounding houses. If you live in the neighborhood just leave your car at home and walk with your child.
Sick child: Please let us know if your child is not attending preschool because of illness (please check our policy book)
Child not attending the preschool: Please let us know if you are keeping your child at home for any reason for the day
Out of province emergency phone number: This is the phone number you will call in case of an earthquake when you canʼt get to the preschool and you would like to have information about your child: Parisa and Habib Shahsavar 613-736-7863.
After earthquake: In case that our building is not safe we will walk to Leigh Elementary School on Victoria Drive.
Snow day: Since I can come always to the preschool there is no reason for closing for snow day however we will be closed in case of a power outage, because we canʼt provide heat and light in winter time and light in other times of the year.
School close: We do a lot of painting and science experiments which are messy.
Please send your child to the school in comfortable close that child can freely explore and play. We also will go outside unless it is very wet so please dress your child right for weather.
To fill out our registration package, please click the link:
Registration Package for Burke Mountain Preschool